Emily Lehrman

  • Person: Emily Lehrman
  • Website: GetLoss.com
  • Affiliation: Amazon Affiliate Program
  • Contact Info: You can reach us using the Contact Form

About Me

Hi, I’m Emily Lehrman and I am a Natural Health Consultant by day and a fitness / health and wellness practitioner and enthusiast 24/7 or 25/8 (depending on who you ask!). I hold a Master’s Degree in Kinesiology by way of Cypress College in Fullerton, California and have had the pleasure and honor of working as a College Instructor, a Strength Coach, and an Athletic Coach. Whether it’s being coached or doing the coaching, I’m on a never-ending quest to guide and be guided in the Fitness and Health and Wellness stratospheres!


My experience in Fitness and Health and Wellness has consumed the majority of my adult life and before consulting took over my daily life I was an online Health and Fitness writer from 2013-2015. Prior to moving into an online workspace as a writer which was primarily virtual as opposed to in person, I worked face to face with students in the classroom during my tenure as a College Instructor and also outside of the classroom, in the gymnasium, as both a Strength Coach and an Athletic Coach. In a nutshell, “I’ve worn a lot of different hats”!

Fitness and Health and Wellness is a forever evolving industry which continuously has me and countless others worldwide aiming to form optimal eating habits, reach peak performance during gym sessions, achieve maximize recovery, consume optimal supplements and so on and so forth.

Emily Lehrman


To keep it simple, Fitness and Health and Wellness are much broader than two plus two equals four as there are numerous sectors to dissect- and this is exactly why I’m here! I’m here to help and guide you in practicing healthy eating habits not to solve a short-term issue but to become a long-term and everlasting solution for all your eating mishaps! I’m here to help you learn weight loss strategies that are effective and that are more pleasurable than daunting. I’m here to help you find the supplements that work to give you that extra push and to assist you in gaining the results you desire! I’m here to make Fitness and Health and Wellness your priority!

But, walking by myself on this never-ending Fitness and Health and Wellness quest is no fun! What do you say, will you join me in making our dreams a reality and conquering the Fitness and Health and Wellness stratospheres together?

Just remember, “you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take”- Wayne Gretzky.